Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Welcome Back, Carter

In March, the new Disney film John Carter opens, but word on the street is lackluster at best.  Not so much the reviews from people who have seen it, but the buzz from folks who have seen the trailer and have decided they just don't care.  I care, but I can't argue with anyone about it.  What can I say?  It looks like what it is...A filmed version of an old pulp novel that has been ripped off in film so many times, we've seen it already, most recently, and most obviously, with James Cameron's Avatar - The movie which, by the way, proves that Cameron doesn't have an original bone in his body.

The Terminator?  Ask Harlan Ellison about that one.  Terminator 2?  More of the same, but with a KID added.  Yay.  Aliens?  What up, Kurosawa.  I'd give him The Abyss, but Deepstar Six and Leviathan came out the same year. I love Cameron's movies for the derivative gold they are, but I'm telling you...unoriginal.

My point is this: John Carter, as far as the source material, is one of the originals, baby!  Unfortunately for the film, it seems folks don't want history.  They want their minds freed from the old and liberated to the new.  A little political, I know, but it's all connected.  Sorta.

For me, I have faith that the director of Wall-E and Finding Nemo will captivate with solid characters and a believable menace, regardless of the setting.  That I think there will be some visual flair to go along is icing on the cake.   But how does one go about convincing their friends to agree?  And should it even be bothered with?

One group seems to think so, as they've attempted to form a grassroots campaign to get John Carter the attention they think it deserves.  I guess it worked, in a way, on me, as I feel compelled to post, but honestly...I don't care if anyone but me likes the movie.  And really, I don't CARE if I like it.  I'm interested, but if it big whoop.  And if it rules...yay?

But leave it to Disney to make a sci-fi film no one cares about until 20 years later.  Tron, anyone?  And someday I'll tell you about my love affair with a little flick called The Black Hole.  So, I'll put a few bucks down that I'll enjoy John Carter.  But I won't buy a ticket for you...

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